«Nuestra visión es ser considerados por nuestros clientes como un proveedor innovador de espacios vitales de alta gama que mejoran su vida diaria. Construir hogares en los que nuestros clientes se sientan como en casa desde el primer día es nuestra misión y nuestra pasión.»

Villa Silk, the place to be 02 de marzo de 2022

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. We are happy to introduce you to a very especial project; Villa Silk. A private luxury residential complex consisting of 13 unique villas where avant-garde design marks a turning point for lovers of good living. ¿Why Silk? As if it were Silk, the exquisite care of […]

Selectiva Real Estate joins the cryptocurrencies world 21 de febrero de 2022

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. At Selectiva Real Estate we like to be up to date with the latest trends related to the luxury real estate sector, in order to make our clients’ experience as special as possible, in order to meet their expectations. That is why our team of collaborators […]

Pacaso, the new way to buy luxury vacation properties at the best price 17 de febrero de 2022

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en English. It is the real estate company specialized in the sale of luxury properties in co-ownership model. Pacaso starts its activity in Spain and operates on the Costa del Sol. After extensive investigations, Pacaso concluded that Spain has important destinations for luxury second homes. The climate, the […]

The most select urbanizations and areas of Marbella 15 de noviembre de 2021

Are you thinking of living in Marbella? Do you dream of waking up in a luxury penthouse on the beachfront? Or are you one of those who prefer to enjoy the warm days in a private villa? If you are wondering where you could live in Marbella, these urbanizations will offer you all the necessary […]



Plaza Antonio Banderas - Local 2 - 29660 Marbella


Lunes a Jueves: 10h - 18h

Viernes: 10h - 15h

Sábado y domingo: Con cita previa

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